Friday, June 11, 2010

Frank #2

Forgot to post these pics of Frank #2 from Makin' Hay II...He's the lazy bum sitting down while I strain my bad knees for my art!



    what a fuckin perfect "old guy" picture

  2. That's not Frank #2, that's old man Robert De Niro from the future!

  3. Man, how much for that white tree in the foreground?

  4. That really is CLASSIC "old guy". And fuck if he hasn't earned it. Rock on, Frank 2.

  5. From Sweden. I really like your podcast. It actually makes my life better. I think that Q is an important part, and Bry seems like a very creative person who probably could be very successful in the entertainment industry if given the chance. However, in my mind, Walt's the real star. Even though I don't agree with him on every subject, I admire him for having a mind of his own. Without him it surely wouldn't be the same. I do hope that I get to listen to you guys for years to come, you lighten up my life.
    /Roland (LGD!)

  6. Strangely enough, that's EXACTLY what I pictured Frank #2 looking like.

  7. "Strangely enough, that's EXACTLY what I pictured Frank #2 looking like."

    Oddly, his voice matches with Frank 1, but what do I know. I think it's funny that Bry couldn't find a chair anywhere to do the interview.

  8. i can hear that guy complain through the photo, classic

  9. Is that crap in front of him what he sells?

  10. He looks just like he sounds, he would be great for a doc.

  11. this has nothing to do with frank but rather with episode 17 in which bryan was thinking of going down to the gulf to help with cleanup. . . besides the fact that you're probably not gonna be doing the "glamor" job of cleaning up animals but instead cleaning rocks and whatnot, apparently bp isn't all that helpful in terms of health & safety, which can cause health problems for you later on down the line:

  12. Man, Frank is hideously ugly; Bryan is barely hiding his disgust as he sits there, judging him.

  13. Another greeting from Sweden. Love your show, makes me get through my boring ass job everyday. Keep it up!

  14. go back for further updates...."journeys with frank#2 the saga continues"
